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  • The Help
  • To Kill a mockingbird

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I was on a maiden voyage actually through all of the tools. The most fascinating to me were google docs and skype. The ways to use them in the classroom are infinite. I couldn't begin to start with any examples. My thinking has certainly changed by understanding that I must stay with it. I can't leave, come back and even expect to remember what I had just done. My unexpected outcomes was the thrill of seeing the products that were produced from these tools. My knowledge was minimal entering this task. I let everyone know how frustrated I was. I had the assistance of a dear and extremely intelligent colleague to get me to the end. I'm glad I've reached this point.
I know so much more to explore.

tool # 11

Digital citizenship should be an ongoing and modeled practice by the teacher. But first, I would discuss the importance of appropriate, responsible behavior with excellent conduct when dealing with any technology. Remind the students of the kinds of decisions they must be aware of making 24/7. I might roleplay some situations where their peers may try to influence them inappropriately. And finally I would thoroughly discuss the digital law with them.Have the students make a list of actions that are illegal. It is a CRIME to hack, illegal download, create worms, send spam, etc.
Preach constantly how these criminals spend time in prison. Don't be afraid to report criminals to the local authorities.

tool # 10

I do not own an ipodtouch, but now I know it won't be long before I do. I took an intro class this summer through the district so I was able to play. But now I see the endless ways that my students could use them. Some of the teacher favorites were wordbook, thesaurus, braintuner, blanks, whiteboard and wordwarp.
For myself I could use it for email, internet, web pages, games, entertainment,music and facebook. Wow, did I underestimate that little hand held piece of gold.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

tool 9

Jing and Skype are two more ways of improving collaboration and communication in the classroom to go around the world.
Skype can provide field trips in class, talking to the author of a favorite book, or communicating with a student from another part of the world. It's endless.
With Jing the capturing of videos and the clarification of on line conversation could be used at any level. Image capturing and uploading to other video sites will be so exciting for the students and of course they are open to figure out even more ways to use it.

tool #8

The first video can be used to teach rhyming words that have the ig ending. Use it to show the similar endings and the students can make their own using different onset and rimes.

The second video shows the importance of how to hold your pencil. I have bought so many pencil grips for children who practice holding their markers incorrectly, then it becomes a habit. If they can hear a child explain and see the actual fingers used. it could help.

tool # 7

Okay, I had heard the term podcasting, but never took the time to really analyze it. I am now a podcaster!!! No more traditional broadcasting for me. Take a look at my digital story telling. I chose a gift for Olga, then I went through the steps of recreating its new home. A birdbath. I loved being able to include the text and one of my favorite songs to go with my story. It will be so much fun using podcasting with the students this year.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

tool #6

There were several ways that I could see using the wiki in the language arts area.
When I am team teaching with the primary teachers we can have the students access on line writer's workshop. Even the first graders can help to edit and revise their writing.
Also, the continuing stories would be so much fun!! We could choose any genre and be on the lookout for the next event to come.

tool 5

Okay all you yahooers, I have arrived!!! This account is my first, my first in a lot of ways. I didn't realize I had such a variety of sites that I visit, now they will be easier to find. What a delicious idea!!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

tool # 4

Google docs is definitely the most fun and the tool that I see myself using in many, many coordinated conversations at school. I was able to try it out and was fascinated by watching the immediate response. I also was eager to start google reader. I can be kept current with some of my favorite subscriptions and blogs.

tool # 3

Each step becomes more fascinating to me. I can see now why my students who know more than I do get so mesmerized with their endless products. I can see me using this with any kind of a word/spelling game that I might use in Language arts. I also want to see what other teachers are doing or how they are using these tools. I can't wait!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I understand the meaningful commenting that I need to be making to other blogs. Look for important issues for them and for myself. I know how to converse orally I'll just need to do it by blogging. I have commented on Life long learning, Jello's 11 tools, Renee's blog, learning curve and Mimi the blogger. I was able to see a different understanding from each person. Yea

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

tool #2

I am beginning to understand the purpose of personal learning network. I believe this course is necessary. There is so much to learn. I need to stay tuned, blog, converse more with my peers. I think that I need to accelerate my knowledge. I am still in the dark ages, but..."I see the light" It is important to stay positive and to give that kind of feedback. Look for the high notes. I visited and commented on Life Long Learning, Jello's 11 tools, Renee's blog, Learning curve and Mimi the blogger. I was able to see a different perspective from each one. Yea!!

too # 1

Oh, my gosh!!! Without the help of my dear friend Olga, I would not have had so much fun with tool # 1. There were some confusing moments for me, that I won't elaborate on, but overall quite a learning experience.
Can't wait for tool # 2.